About Peggy’s Journey

Hello and welcome! I’m Peggy, the heart and hands behind this blog. My story is like the weather: unpredictable, sometimes beautiful, sometimes messy, sprinkled with seasons of growth and rest. It’s a tale of changing from city girl to country girl, working professional to stay-at-home mom, junk food eater to label reader, birth mother to mother, and a whole lot of learning about God’s grace.

This blog is a window into my just a mom world. It’s a special place to encourage and connect with other moms, in-between raising kids, being a wife, homesteading, homeschooling, and running family businesses. Enjoy funny farm tales, an imperfectly tidy homestead, heartfelt musings, and resources to help jump start your own journey.

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mother. wife. jesus girl. teacher. farmer.

An introverted extrovert who appreciates clutter free rooms, likes decorating with rusty antiques, finds organizing fun, craves learning new things, is picky about pens and highlighters, doesn’t mind getting dirty (it happens often), and loves Jesus.

A perfect day would entail sitting in the woods, sun beating on my face, enjoying the whisper of wind and earthy smell of pines. Of course I’d also have a couple books, sweet treat, and phone camera ready!

I never expected this blog to morph from creative expressions to sharing God’s impressions. But I have to say, God’s vision always proves better than anything I could imagine. I’m so glad you’re here!

Fun Facts About Me

least favorite subject


Listening to

melodic dubstep

grateful for

my Family

Favorite author

Lysa TerKeurst

always eating

ice cream

best snuggle buddies

my Kiddos

I met Jason in the most unlikely of places: an autocross event (my mother was trying to get my brothers involved, go figure I’d pick it up!). We dated for five years; most of which was spent traveling around the Midwest road racing Spec Miata’s, building race cars, and offering track support (the last two were mostly Jason) After a two month engagement, we officially said “I do!” Neither of us had a clue how different life would look in the next few years.



Our first bundle of joy arrived full of spit and vinegar. I quickly realized motherhood didn’t equal Hallmark movies. Physically unable to breast feed, pumping also proved challenging. At the same time, Q spent hours screaming. Relief came 5 months later when we discovered she had food and environmental sensitivities. Life now entailed: selling the auto business, moving 1.5 hours west to be near Jason’s family, living with my in-laws while we finished our remodel, moving to a natural diet, and recording what Q ate for the next two years.

Early in the year, Jason tossed around the idea of raising beef cattle. Finding 100% grass-fed beef wasn’t hard, but finding it in supply was. It was one way to ensure a steady supply for our family. However, I couldn’t believe he was proposing we become farmers. He did remember I was a city girl, right?!? My in-laws graciously agreed to work with us, using their land. That summer, we put up miles of fencing, built a large lean-to with hay storage, and went cattle shopping. Somehow, in two years we went from three to thirtyish cattle and a hundred laying hens!



The next little peanut delivered right into Daddy’s arms unaided. Thus started the joke the next one would be a homebirth. Baby H was strong and smiley. We expected no issues since our diet and home environment were cleaner. Disappointment came when he struggled with digesting certain foods too, as we were still chasing food sensitivities with Q. After learning a Weston A. Price conference was being held a few hours away, we went, dove in, came home, and prepped to work through the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (a.k.a. leaky gut) protocol. It was life changing.

As if life weren’t crazy enough, I got a bee in my bonnet and decided I wanted to start wood working and blogging. Mommy needed an outlet!

A couple months later, we were presented the opportunity to bring home a PCNC machine and take over a nearby business. Jason could work from home nights and weekends, and our astronomical grocery bill and unplanned housing projects (we were getting to be “experts” at fixing plumbing and basements) said additional income would help.



The biggest blessing by far this year, was reconnecting with my son, whom I placed for adoption when I was a teenager. It was such a sweet reunion and we continue to be blessed having him be part of our lives. Amen! Amen!

Just when we were finding our groove with life, close to finishing the basement remodel, and dabbling with homeschool; another unexpected opportunity with an extremely short timeline showed up. Did we want to purchase the house next to the land we farmed? We told God if this was His plan, there were a whole lotta check boxes He’d need to start helping with lickety split. Five months later, paperwork was signed and we moved in with my in-laws short term. Again.



You know that homebirth we joked about but never intended to have? Well, God said this was the year. The surprise add to our family, Miss R, is full of sunshine and always getting into something. It never ceases to amaze me how God knows what we need before we do. This pregnancy taught me much about learning to trust in Him and my own body.

Our hearts are full; our lives are truly blessed through all we have learned about physical and mental health, regenerating the land, being self-sufficient, and stewarding a family in ways that honors God. We can’t wait to see what the chapters ahead will bring!

meet the fam!

Life revolves around my husband Jason, spirited kiddos, an obnoxiously loud German Shepherd, and roughly thirty cattle. We love our sometimes quiet, but mostly chaotic corner of God’s creation.

Together we dream, grow, teach, and contemplate which overly optimistic idea we’ll tackle next. You’ll find too many projects going at once, dog hair on the floor, dirty farm and shop clothes piled up, and kids running around laughing.

the ole’ farmhouse

This 130+ year-old farmhouse with original wood floors, doors, and trim in Wisconsin, is our little slice of heaven. We still wake up pinching ourselves, wondering if living in this big ole’ house is actually real.

Each year seems to bring some major project (well water lines, septic lines, roof, heating lines). We consider it a win if we make it to the end of the summer with out tearing up the lawn in some fashion!

We’ve learned to expect the unexpected, roll with the punches, and laugh at ALL the things. I’m grateful it has more than just “good bones” and will probably never stop dreaming about ways to fix ‘er up!