Counting My Blessings

I am so thankful for so many different things. When days are long and seem pitch black, I strive to remember the numerous awesome blessings we’ve experienced in the past year. 

God has seen us through various illnesses, hospitalizations for my son and dad, our daughter’s broken elbow, and numerous personal struggles.  The farm has been blessed with growth. Our family is in good health. We’ve been given new opportunities and made new friendships. 

But perhaps one of the biggest blessings we’ve been given in the past year is the chance to start a personal relationship with my oldest son, who was placed for adoption almost 18 years ago. 

Unplanned Pregnancy Blessing

I definitely would not have called an unplanned teen pregnancy a blessing back then. However, over the last 18 years, God has proved sovereign. He has been with me every step of the grieving, growing, and moving forward process – even when I pushed away. 

Although I’ve had contact with my son’s adoptive parents via letters and pictures the last 17 years; there was nothing quite like meeting him in person. What’s transpired since has been a fun journey of “getting to know one another”, introducing him to our family, and just sitting back to take it all in!

The Connection Blessing

Having a technical/mechanical background, Jason has been able to show him several “programming” type things and they are working on building a knife together. As I can still be in “shock” sometimes, I’m grateful Jason is able to carry conversations and treat him as one of his own.  

Our kids know him, and while they don’t quite grasp the concept yet, they do look forward to our get-togethers and playing! They are tender-hearted and I’m so thankful they can build their relationship with him from a young age. In fact, while sharing what we’re thankful for the other night (a bedtime ritual we have), our little girl stated she was thankful for him. My heart overflows!

I’m not sure what our future looks like or holds, but I am sure of this: I am forever blessed!!!  

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