Building Stronger Faith

As busy moms, there are millions of things going through our hearts and heads. It can be hard to find time and space to work on building faith. Learn with me, as I seek to strengthen my own. You’ll find resources, encouragement, and reflections on my own journey; including thoughts on being a teen birth mother!

My Faith Journey Reflections

beautifully tangled ball of yarn

In here you’ll find reflections from my faith journey. I grew up going to church and being involved in ministry. An unexpected teen pregnancy led to several hurts from the Church, which led to walking away from God. The next decade was “fun”, confusing, and empty. Since reconnecting with God, there’s been spiritual growth, lots of questions, making mistakes, and learning to let go. My prayer is for you to feel encouraged, and at times challenged, while reading these thoughts and stories.

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a Little Bit of Me With a whole lot of god

Part of building strong faith is spending time in God’s Word, sharing your heart with Him, and being still to hear Him. These devotions stem from my own quiet time with God. I hope the short stories, Bible verses, and prayers bring you blessing and encouragement.

My Birth Mother Story

surprise teen pregnancy

Here is where I delve into the nitty gritty of being a birth mother, what things may have prevented my teen pregnancy, and personal thoughts on the topic. Birth mother is a title I never expected to wear, but God took what was broken and spun it into something beautiful. I’m thankful to be reconnected with my firstborn and have him be part of our lives now. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. I love sharing this part of my story!

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Looking for authentic conversations, encouragement, and laughter? Then grab your friends and follow along! You’ll find fun things to break up the monotony, encouragement, prayer, Bible verses, thought provoking quotes, and glimpses of my perfectly messy life. I can’t wait to have you join us!

Uplifting reminders

I love to share good finds!

Want To Know More About Faith?

simple prayer

Your own personal relationship with God can start anywhere, at any time. He’s waiting for you with open arms, ready to offer peace that flows like a river. Check out Billy Graham’s Four Step Journey to Christ to discover how much God loves you!

bible verses

As humans, we all sin and fall short. We will never be able to wipe our slates clean by good works. We need God’s free gift of salvation. Let’s rejoice knowing we’ll spend eternity with Him once we accept His gift!

John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 4:14-15, John 14:6, Galatians 3:26-28,

reach out

Are you ready to start your faith journey? Want someone to pray for you? Drop me a message! I’d suggest getting a Bible and reading through the New Testament book of John. Ask God to give you an open heart and mind as you read. He’ll do the rest!