Learn About Healthy Living

Our health journey started out of necessity while battling food sensitivities with babies. We’ve learned a lot working holistically to heal the gut lining and improve overall health; starting with the food we put into our bodies, to switching personal care and cleaning products, to making time for mental health wellness. This page covers the various ways we’ve nurtured our families health.

Diet: What Goes Into the Body

create wholesome food & find pure supplements

The journey to revamp our diet started when our firstborn was diagnosed with colic. Deep down we knew there had to be a reason she was crying hours on end, every single day, for months. Turns out it was actually food and environmental stressors blocking her ability to digest food. As we stripped away processed foods and introduced digestive enzymes we saw radical change. This section includes details about the GAPS (Gut & Psychology Syndrome) Protocol we followed, how we manage what goes into our bodies, and remedies we’ve found helpful. Info coming soon: whole food supplements, reading food labels, and favorite food brands.

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Environmental Factors to Consider

ditch toxins around the home & on the body

Here we delve into various household and personal care products that create toxic environments, along with resources and suggestions for alternatives. Just as the food we put into our bodies make a difference, so do the lotions, make up products, cleaning chemicals, and household allergens. Sooner or later, they get absorbed into the body too. Info coming soon: favorite household cleaners, clean air.

Easy Bake Biscuits

Einkorn Chocolate Chip Cookies

looking for healthy recipes?

Check out what’s In the Kitchen

Mental Health & Wellness

guard your heart & mind

This area of content covers the emotional/mental side of health and healing. Science has shown, and we’ve seen first hand, how physical healing often hits a road block when a person’s mental state is not strong. You’ll find resources I used while healing from childhood sexual trauma, take-aways from our healing journey as a family, and thoughts on how spoken words and anxieties affect us.

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Stressed to Blessed

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Looking for authentic conversations, encouragement, and laughter? Then grab your friends and follow along! You’ll find fun things to break up the monotony, encouragement, prayer, Bible verses, thought provoking quotes, and glimpses of my perfectly messy life. I can’t wait to have you join us!

Flower Power

Encouraging Love Notes