Homemade BBQ Sauce

It’s so handy to have a good sauce, whatever kind it is, on hand to spruce up some plain meat. My go to used to be Teriyaki and Honey BBQ Sauce.

However, when we started changing our diet, condiments were one of the first things we cut out. Typically, they’re full of ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, soy sauce, vegetable oil, artificial flavoring, and other undefinable things. For the longest time we literally had nothing of the sort in the fridge – not even ketchup! 

When our firstborn was around 2 years old, we started trying different organic brands of ketchup and mustard. It was a little stressful as first as a few of them made the skin around her lips react. We knew it was a possibility with her food sensitivities, but we soon found Annie’s Organic Ketchup and have been using it since then.

I can’t remember why or when I first made this BBQ Sauce, but it was tasty AND the kids liked it!  I also knew exactly what the ingredients were. It’s nice to have another option, aside from ketchup, that’s good on beef, pork, rice, fried beans, and potatoes. I’m sure the kids will come up with other things to put it on too! 

Homemade BBQ Sauce Notes

Everything in the recipe is standard affair. If you happen to have some “over-ripe” kombucha (a.k.a. kombucha vinegar), you could use that in place of apple cider vinegar and get a very similar taste.

For the healthiest results, try to all use organic products. The sauce may be a little thinner than most, due to no thickeners/stabilizers, but mixes beautifully. Taste is what really matters anyway, right?! 

The last time I made this, I tripled the recipe so Jason could take some to work and we’d have plenty over in the fridge. It’s good cold or warm. I can’t attest to how long it will last as it’s usually gone before that’s an issue! 

Next time I make it I’ll try adding some raw honey once it’s cooled down and see how close to a Honey BBQ version I can get! Enjoy! 

Homemade BBQ Sauce

From: Peggy Pulvermacher
My family's favorite slightly sweet, slightly tangy BBQ Sauce! Easy to make and store.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 1 cup organic ketchup
  • ½ cup filtered water
  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ cup coconut sugar
  • ¼ cup white sugar
  • 1 ½ tsp lemon juice
  • 1 ½ tsp mustard powder
  • 1 ½ tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • ½ tsp Celtic sea salt


  • Put all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes (or longer if desired) to thicken. 
  • Store in a pint size mason jar.

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