All About Homeschooling

I love homeschooling because we’re able to pick and choose what works best for each child. It offers flexibility and allows us to include our homesteading lifestyle into our school day. Bonuses include discovering fun educational games and extra family time.

Learn About Homeschooling

taking the first steps

This section includes info on why we decided to homeschool and how we choose our curriculum. There are many different methods of homeschooling, but the beauty of them all, is you get to pick what works best. Some families utilize all inclusive kits, some enroll in virtual programs, and others, like ourselves, pull from various sources to curate their own. Take some time to research various teaching styles, such as Waldorf, Charlotte Mason, Montessori, unschooling, classical learning, etc. Homeschooling is meant to be a fun family journey, so don’t sweat the small stuff! Info coming soon: favorite resources.

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Homeschool Curriculum Reviews

discovering what works best

Here you’ll find reviews on various curricula we’ve used over the last four years. Selecting homeschool curriculum can seem overwhelming, but it helps to consider a few things first. Does your child thrive with mastery or spiral based teaching structures? Are they auditory, visual, and or kinetic learners? Will they be ok with “independent study” or require “parent led”? Would you prefer secular or faith-based books? Regardless of what you choose, it’s important to remember it can be changed anytime. This is perhaps one of the most beautiful aspects of homeschooling! More reviews coming!

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Mommy Teachers

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I never imagined being a mom would entail homeschooling. It’s been an amazing experience. But I’ll be honest; some days I really crave talking about something other than math and our wonky English language. If you feel the same, join us online! It’s always nice to have encouragement and gather ideas from others.

Science experiment!

Unboxing day is always fun!