All Around the Homestead

Homestead (n): a home and adjoining land occupied by a family. For us that looks like living in a 130+ year old farmhouse, raising organic grass-fed beef and free-range chickens, continuously dirty children, and a never ending list of projects. Learn more about our farming practices, gather DIY inspiration, or search for recipe ideas below!

Our Farming Practices

grass-fed cattle, free-range chickens, organic garden beds

Our farming journey started ten years ago, when we discovered our first born had several food sensitivities and we needed dependable sources of food. Here we provide glimpses of what homesteading our farm and gardens looks like. We focus on regenerating the land naturally, raising animals organically, and growing our own produce. It’s been an adventure of learning to be self-sufficient and knowing where our food comes from.

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Gardening Planner

What’s Cooking In the Kitchen

hearty recipes, wholesome ingredients

My heart for the kitchen comes from Grandma T’s tried and true methods. She cooked from the garden well into her seventies! I found myself embracing her cook from-scratch approach as we worked towards healing our bodies and healthier living. These recipes utilize simple, wholesome ingredients and often leave everyone reaching for seconds…or thirds!

Home Decor & DIY Ideas

farmhouse minimalist style

It’s been a fun challenge to keep the original charm of our 130+ year old farmhouse while bringing some things up to date. Here you’ll find budget friendly ideas to enhance the look and feel of your home. We’re big on using what’s laying around and keeping things simple. Find inspiration for organizing clutter and cupboards, decorating around the house, incorporating family heirlooms, and DIYing fun gifts.

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Around the Farm

when you join our amazing online community

A lot can happen in a split second. Cow smooches, cow pie splatters, cow dunk tanks. Just when I think I’ve seen it all. Farming keeps us active and on our toes. Follow along for funny farm tales and smiles. I can’t wait to have you join us!

Thirsty moo-moos!

I’m not usually this dirty!