Kid’s Room Organization

My daughter LOVES being creative! She also clearly communicates her desire to keep everything she makes. Every. Single. Thing! 

Don’t get me wrong. I love this about her. It gives us something fun to bond over, lets her express herself, and exercises the right side of her brain (the left side is up to her dad). I love seeing the look of joy and pride on her face when she shows me a finished creation. 

However; I am a neat freak, who doesn’t like clutter, despises piles, and feel very unsettled when things around the house look chaotic!

Now that my daughter is bringing home drawings/pictures/projects from various groups in addition to what we make at home, one wall in her room has become a piece of tapes best friend. It was kind of cute for a while, but then little brother started ripping things off, we ran out of space, and it became an emotional mess.

And there was the issue of clothes, towels, and bags thrown all over the room. This girl needed some organization. Somewhere to put her stuff, where she could reach the clothes, and still have fun hanging her creations (out of brother’s reach). 

So, we set out to make some things to help her. I had her assist me with a couple of the steps and it was so much fun! She loves showing ownership!

Today, her “Creations Board” is overflowing with things (each clothes pin holds 3 maybe 4 things) and she feels very proud of herself when she hangs things up on her own! Win-Win!!! 

P.S. Apologies for the less than par quality of the pictures! Need to start getting out the actual camera! 

Tools Used

Orbital sander, 120 Grit Sandpaper, Power Drill, Drill Bit, Countersink Drill Bit, Screws, Hammer, Nails, Mounting Hardware, Clothes pins, Epoxy, Spray Adhesive, Super Glue, Stain, Paint

Prep Boards

Step 1.) Sand boards using 120 grit sandpaper. This will get the wood pretty smooth. If you want furniture smooth use 220 grit in addition. 

Step 2.) Stain boards and let dry 24 hours. I used the color Carbon Gray since it will match her headboard. 

From here follow individual steps for each separate board.

“My Creations” Board

Step 3.) Stencil and paint desired wording on board. 

Step 4.) The pink paper on our board is a thicker scrapbook paper. After cutting we used two coats of spray adhesive (waited a minute between coats) to attach them to the board. A little bit of super glue was needed to keep the edges on the top/bottom down. 

Step 5.) Figure out spacing of the clothes pins. Place a small amount of 2-part epoxy on the back of the clothes pin and adhere to the board. 

Step 6.) Attach mounting hardware. I wasn’t anticipating anything real heavy, so 2 saw tooth picture hangers were all we used! 

Hang it on the wall and promptly fill up! I was glad we placed the clothes pins on the sides as they allowed a little more room! 

Clothing Hook Board

Step 3.) Position hooks where desired. These are from Hobby Lobby and we love them! Mark with a pencil. 

Step 4.) Drill a countersunk hole in the center of where the left and right hooks will be hung. These holes will be used to mount the board to the wall. 

Step 5.) Again, the pink paper on our board is a thicker scrapbook paper. After cutting out the shapes we used two coats of spray adhesive (waited a minute between coats) to attach them to the board. A little bit of super glue was needed to keep the folded edges down. 

Step 6.) Position board on the wall in desired place. Mark with a pencil where the two counter sunk holes will be. Install wall anchors at these marks. Attach board to the wall using screws going through the board. 

Step 7.) Mount your hooks to the board. The hooks I got didn’t come with screws, so if using those you’ll need #6 mounting screws. Then hang up stuff! 

Wala! Kid’s Organization

It’s been a month since we made these, and she still finds it fun to hang things up and REALLY enjoys adding to her Creations board. It’s certainly tidied up her room – a plus for both of us! The awesome part of these types of projects is that they’re so readily customized. Once our son is a little older, we’ll be making some more industrial ones for his room!

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