Powerful Christmas Insight from a Six-Year-Old

You know the saying “From the mouths of Babes!”? Well I think there should also be one along the lines of “The Actions of Babes”.

The other night, Jason and I were discussing highs and lows of the day, enjoying some peace and quiet. As I was walking around, talking, and putting things away, I noticed the nativity set was rearranged, again.

Frustrated that Q chose not to follow my request of leaving it alone, I huffed over to put it back. In my haste to make it “look pretty” again, I almost missed her grand gesture.

The shepherds, Magi, Mary, Joseph, angel, and animals were all in a circle. Nestled in the middle of the circle was baby Jesus in the manger. All eyes and every figure were facing Jesus. The sole focus of her arrangement was Jesus.

I called Jason over to look at it, mesmerized and humbled.

When was the last time I stopped to intentionally soak up all Jesus has done for me? When was the last time I made the effort to stay centered on Him for an entire day, let alone a couple hours?

Sure, I spend time studying His words in the Bible, watch church online, and pray often. But if I’m honest – there is still a hustle and bustle behind everything I do. Planning the next step, while still finishing the previous step, is a game I am all too familiar with. As I thought about the events surrounding Jesus’ birth, I was hit with several thoughts.

Mary & Joseph’s Focus

Can you imagine finding out you were going to birth the Savior of the world, as a virgin? Can you imagine discovering your soon to be wife was already expecting, even though she remained faithful?

Despite unfathomable visits from an angel of the Lord and the miracle taking place in her womb, they chose to focus on the instructions given. Joseph and Mary were wed. They named their baby Jesus, fled to Egypt, and later traveled to Nazareth.

I don’t even want to imagine what could have happened if they took their focus off raising the Son of God and decided to go their own direction. Because they stayed focused, we can have a personal relationship with God today.

Magi’s Focus

The Magi did not visit Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in the stable the night he was born. In Matthew 2:1-12, we learn they saw the star after Jesus was born. They journeyed to Jerusalem and met with King Herod first and then traveled to the home were Jesus was living.

Their sole focus for that time frame was Jesus. They kept seeking information and traveling until they completed their objective. Some speculate this took one to two years.

Once there, they were warned in a dream not to return to Jerusalem. They heeded it and went home another way. How would the story have changed if the Magi chose to return to King Herod? Because they stayed focused, we have a Savior who lived to fulfill his purpose and can relate to the earthly struggles we face today.

Our Focus

I’m not sure I can pledge to have the level of focus Mary, Joseph, and the Magi had towards Jesus. And it breaks my heart. Too many times have I decided to focus on something else and regretted it later.

Hebrews 12:2 says we should fix our eyes on Jesus:

“…the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Jesus already did the impossible. His ask of us? To stay focused on him using the tools God’s given us.

I’m so thankful my daughter’s honest, playful heart caused me to pause, reflect, and redirect my focus. I’ll be keeping her arrangement! As we finish up this holiday season and glide into a new year, may we all remember Jesus is the Reason for the Season and keep our eyes on him.

Note: The full story of Jesus’ birth can be found in Matthew 1:18 – 2:23 and Luke 1:26 – 2:20

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