Quick & Hearty Homemade Biscuits

You’ll love these hearty, quick homemade biscuits! Perfect on cold days with soup, as pizza crust year round, or a filling side dish. They’re sure to please everyone crowded at the dinner table.

They only take a five minutes to mix up and require a short 12-15 minute bake time. The only wild card is whether you cut them into shapes using cookie cutters (a must when the kiddos are helping), cut them into squares using a butter knife, hand shape into patties, or just plop right on the pan using a large spoon.

Quick Homemade Biscuits Ingredient Notes

The start of any great recipe begins with good quality ingredients. I love how this recipe gives me flexibility to choose whatever ingredients I have on hand.

We’re a raw dairy family, so we try to use raw butter from 100% grass-fed cows when able. A great substitute is Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter, also from grass-fed cows.

Einkorn flour is an ancient heirloom grain (never hybridized). This flour does contain gluten, but it lacks the gluten proteins that typically trigger gluten sensitivities. Jovial ‘s 100% Organic Einkorn All-Purpose Flour is the only flour our entire family has been able to consume, on a consistent basis over the last several years, without anyone reacting to it. This recipe has also worked well with all-purpose flour and bread flour.

Different Ways to Use This Recipe

There are several different ways we’ve used this recipe. It’s so universal we keep coming up with more! Here are a few different ways (using rolled out biscuits) to get your mind churning.

  • Garlic Bread – Brush melted butter and garlic salt on top about halfway through bake time. 
  • Pizza Crust – Leave the dough rolled out on a baking sheet. (For flavored crust, sprinkle some rosemary and salt on it). Bake for about 10 minutes, add pizza toppings, and continue baking until crust is golden brown and cheese melted.
  • Cheesy Bread Sticks – Roll out dough into a rectangular shape. Cut dough into stripes the short way. Brush melted butter and shredded cheese on top about halfway through bake time. 
  • Cinnamon Rolls – Fortunately (yes, fortunately!) we are still perfecting this one! The recipe works fine, but the dough is not as fluffy as a traditional cinnamon roll.
  • Morning Biscuit Muffins – Cut biscuit in half. Cook some eggs, melt some cheese, add pepper and onion. Place between bis

A Quick Note on Re-heating

Freshly made biscuits with melted butter and a sprinkle of salt are always best, but there have been occasions when they don’t all get eaten. Gasp!

We’ve had success re-heating rolled out varieties using a cast iron skillet and butter. Preheat the skillet over a low/medium heat. Melt 1/2 Tbsp butter in the skillet. Place biscuits on skillet, “swishing” them in the melted butter, and heat until desired. 

After about 4-5 days they tend to dry out. If super dried out, turn them into breadcrumbs!

Quick & Hearty Homemade Biscuits

From: Peggy Pulvermacher
This quick, homemade biscuit recipe is a crowd pleaser that doubles as pizza crust and pot pie topping too!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Total Time 17 minutes


  • cups Einkorn flour (or all-purpose flour)
  • 1 Tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp Celtic salt
  • 1 Tbsp coconut sugar
  • 5 Tbsp raw butter (or grass-fed butter)
  • ¾ – 1 cup milk


  • Preheat oven to 425°.
  • In a large bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar.
  • Cut in butter until dough resembles coarse chunks.
  • Pour in half the milk and mix gently.
  • Pour in remaining milk, in small increments until dough is evenly moist, but not sticky.
  • Lightly flour the working surface before setting dough on it. 
  • Knead dough approximately 10 times. 
  • Roll out dough, cut biscuits, and transfer to baking sheet/cooking stone.
  • Bake for 12 – 15 minutes, or until golden brown.


The dough can be made into shapes with cookie cutters, cut into squares with a butter knife, rolled into patties using your hands, or just plopped right onto the baking sheet/cooking stone using a large spoon. 
We also use this recipe for pizza crust (bake 10-12 minutes before applying toppings) or as the topping on pot pies! 

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