Simple Italian Sausage Seasoning Mix Recipe

Every Friday is homemade pizza night at the homestead. It’s been that way for years. Jason and I usually make Italian sausage and onion (red pepper on my half please!), and the kids normally eat just cheese. Original, I know!

Around a year ago, the local company we buy our pasture-raised pork from changed some of the ingredients in their products. The ingredient list was still clean (no preservatives and/or fillers, which the kids react too), but the new flavor didn’t thrill us. Turns out we’re not big fans of fennel!

Thankfully they offer a plain ground pork, which gave us the opportunity to make our own Italian sausage blend. It took a few months to find a recipe we all liked, but this one’s been a favorite! Our family doesn’t do spicey, so there’s just a hint of heat to tantalize the taste buds. The other herbs and salt blend nicely to create a well-balanced seasoning blend.

Italian Sausage Seasoning Notes

The recipe uses basic seasonings, with the exception of Herbs de Provence.

If you prefer your food to have more kick to it, try adding more cayenne pepper in 1/4 tsp increments.

I like to add the Italian sausage seasoning to the ground meat right after I put it in the pan. This gives the flavors time to soak in as the meat cooks.

If you quadruple the recipe, it will make enough to fill a 1.6 oz. spice jar (similar to what most stores sell. I always keep a few empty/washed ones on hand for times like these!)

Simple Italian Sausage Seasoning Mix

From: Peggy Pulvermacher
This simple pork seasoning offers a flavorful blend of herbs and salts with a hint of spice!
Cook Time 0 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • 1 tsp Celtic sea salt
  • 1 tsp Garlic salt
  • 1 tsp Onion salt
  • ½ tsp Cayenne pepper
  • ½ tsp Paprika
  • 2 tsp Herbs de Provence
  • ½ tsp Oregeno


  • Combine all ingredients together in a bowl and mix well. Makes just over 2 Tbsp.
  • Stir 1½- 2 tsp seasoning mix into 1 lb. ground pork at the start of cooking.
  • Store in an airtight container away from heat and light.


Adding seasoning while the meat is still raw allows more time for the flavor to soak in. If you like things spicier, try adding more cayenne pepper in 1/4 tsp increments! Quadruple this recipe to fill a 1.6 oz spice jar. 

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