Simple Yarn Wall Hanging: How to DIY Your Own!

I love simple projects, like this yarn wall hanging, that add texture and help fill up large empty spaces. Major bonus for also being budget friendly! The wood dowel was a scrap piece from the shop, the twine and some of the yarn I already had, the remaining yarn came from my mom’s knitting stash and Walmart. All in? Around $15.

The idea came from an online search for “textured wall art” a couple years ago. At the time, they were fairly expensive; which is why I chose to make my own. However, a quick look today shows a range of prices from $40 to $120 plus shipping.

There are many different ways to design them. Doing your own online search will help you narrow down what look you prefer. Creating your own yarn wall hanging is very simple and enables you to choose the color and texture of yarn/fabric, length and width of hanging, and overall style.

This DIY project was also time friendly. Aside from waiting for the stain on the wood dowel to dry, mine was finished in an afternoon with two young children’s help. I hung it up the same day …….. and then waited a year and a half to decide how I wanted to finish/trim the bottom. Lol Very happy with how it turned out!

Materials Used

  • Wood Dowel
  • Wood Stain (optional)
  • Kraft Twine
  • 3-6 Skeins of Yarn
  • Scissors

How to

  1. Prep wood dowel.

    Cut to required length; sand if necessary. If desired, apply 1-2 coats of stain; dry according to stain directions.

  2. Prep work space.

    Hang the wood dowel between two chairs to work on. Gather skeins of yarn and scissors. An uncluttered surface nearby is nice to lay out cut yarn pieces.

  3. Cut yarn/fabric pieces.

    Cutting each individual piece is NOT necessary. Once I determined how long the strip should be, I “folded” the yarn from end to end and then cut a bunch of pieces at once. If you’re hanging is shorter, you could also “wrap” the yarn around your arm like an extension cord and then cut one end of the loop.

    Repeat with each color. Remember you can make them all the same length or vary it!

  4. Loop yarn around dowel.

    Take the pieces of yarn and start looping them around the dowel. I started in the middle and worked my out. The thicker pieces are looped by themselves and the thinner pieces I looped all together to create my desired look.

  5. Attach hanging string.

    Anything can be used for this part! Determine how long the string needs to be for hanging and add around 8-10 inches. Tie a double knot around one end of the wood dowel (try to keep knot on the back side) and wrap the string around several times, hiding the knot in the process. Double check the overall hanging length and repeat with the other end of the wood dowel.

  6. Trim Bottom.

    Trim the ends however you like! I didn’t want mine completely straight, but couldn’t handle too much randomness. The knots in the end give the pieces weight and they seem to hang nicer since doing so.

  7. Hang up!

    I used a nail, but you could get fancier if you wanted and find a decorative bracket. I didn’t want to draw attention away from the yarn wall hanging, so I used a nail sturdy enough to hold it but not too large.

And that’s all there is!

If you’ve made one of these, drop a picture in the comments below. I love seeing how other creative minds work! Enjoy your new yarn wall hanging!

Check out some of these other DIY posts for more decorating ideas!

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