“The Farmhouse”

My husband and I have always dreamed of building our own home. A small ranch (around 1600 sq. ft.), lots of windows, partially finished basement, open concept style, attached garage, wrap around porch, in the country, possibly closer to his parent’s farm.

After investigating a few things, our vision of building on the farm was nixed, but building someday still could happen. Being a stay at home mom means working off one income with occasional side jobs. Realizing how much building a home costs, let a lone purchasing a lot, I got to the point where I didn’t think much about it anymore. Over the years, I’ve saved pictures and ideas of things I’d like to incorporate into that someday home.

When we heard nearby neighbors of the farm were maybe/kind of/in a couple years thinking about moving, we told them we’d like the first opportunity to purchase. Definitely no rush on our end as our basement was in the midst of a remodel and there were several other projects to finish up.

Their farmhouse has been beautifully kept, has had some remodeling, sits on a nice lot and most important – close to the family farm. While not our dream home, the location could not be more convenient. It was our second favorite option. So, we crossed our fingers that when the time came, we’d be able to make things work.

Imagine our surprise (probably theirs too!), when just a couple months after the initial moving conversation, we were told they were closing on a house and did we want to buy theirs?


I was utterly panicked and threw way off guard. Timing was all off! Our house projects were no where near done. Jason was looking into taking over a gun stock/wood routing company and prepping for a trade show out of state for his normal job. It was spring, which meant things with the farm would be getting busier. We couldn’t move into the house right away, so what would we do in-between? There was the matter of looking over finances and getting approved for a mortgage loan. And most importantly, is this where God wanted us?

Thankfully, God in all His grace, gave us answers and started helping us work through everything on our list. About 3 months (and a few losing my mind episodes) later our house was listed for sale. There was an accepted offer in 4 days. Banking was put in order. My in-laws offered us space in their home. The second side job could be acquired in summer after the move took place.

So, somehow…. someway…. which I still struggle to wrap my head around…. we are now living closer to the family farm.

Built in 1892, this two-story Victorian/Farmhouse style wonder sitting on a few acres, has been home to us for a few months now. Not anywhere near our original dream build; however, Jason and I still say to each other “How did we get here? How are we so lucky? PINCH ME!”

“The Farmhouse” as I’ve dubbed it, is full of charm, sunshine, spacious rooms, and love. With many original details still in place, it’s been fun to put our spin on the things while trying to keep the integrity of the home. I’m discovering I prefer the aged, rusty, antique look and love incorporating things found laying around within the décor.

Here are sneak peaks of some original details: cherry hardwood floors, wide window moldings and baseboards, ornate metal scroll work on door knobs and hinges.

As we work through making each room our own; I’ll share fun projects, updates, and before/after pics. I love being creative and designing, but part of me is thankful The Farmhouse will be our last major move. (At least that’s our plan!)

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  1. God is good all the time! What a BLESSING to be in His will. ❤ He really is working everything out for our good just like He said He would. Hallelujah to Jesus! I am so happy you are so happy. ???

  2. Dear all. Living in an old Victorian is an adventure. One is always discovering and getting glimpses into the past. An appreciation of the craftsmanship and the quality of materials ( good wood, cherry) will just grow on you. No one has cherry floors these days. We have discovered much in our old Victorian.
    Keep exploring.
    Pauline Sneath
    Anna’s Mom.