You Are Never Alone

I recently watched a movie, where a young girl, was on a quest to reach her deceased mother, via transmission to space. She forms a group of other misfit friends to help her achieve her goal of sending a recording of her message through NASA.

As the movie closes, the girl, her friends, and others look up to the sky and start saying “I’m here.” Some whisper the words, others shout. You see hope in their faces the words will reach some being in the universe.

Tears rolled down my face. I wasn’t sure if it was because I could relate to feeling alone and like no one cared or if it was because my heart hurt that none of them knew Jesus and the hope He provides.

Now I realize this was a movie, but if we’re honest, we’ve probably all felt like this girl and her friends at some point in life. Ignored, unseen, made fun of, bullied, pushed aside, alone, hopeless.

Friend, if this is you, from the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry. In my darkest moments, when I felt most alone, and like nothing mattered, I too cried out “I’m here! Don’t you see me? Why is this happening!”

Can I share something amazing?

There is One God, who sees you, hears you, and cares for you 24/7. You are never alone. Psalms 34:17-18 tells us,

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. NIV

The Lord is waiting for you to reach out to Him so he can bind your wounds and walk along side you.

I’m forever grateful God continues to meet me exactly where I’m at. It doesn’t matter how many times I mess up, miss something, or ignore Him. He’s ready for me to step back into His arms every time.

The peace and hope He provide is life giving. He can do the same thing for you too.

Heavenly Father, So many of us walk around with heavy hearts, looking for something to fill the void. I pray You reach out and touch every soul yearning for eternal hope and peace. Provide courage and help us remember we are never truly alone. Thank You for always being with us. Amen.

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