Yummy Delicious Madeleine Cookie Recipe

My Grandma was an excellent cook and baker. Everything I’ve learned in the kitchen is from her. She was this cute, petite, Hungarian/Bohemian woman who was always trying new things. And dinners at Grandpa & Grandma’s were ALWAYS a 7-course meal. It was amazing! 

Christmas was one of my favorite times of year because she would make around 15 different types of cookies. Sugar cookies, spritz cookies, meringue tips, jelly filled, chocolate chips, Mexican wedding cakes, peanut butter blossoms, etc. I thought I pretty much knew all the important cookies from her. 

Then my sister in law introduced me to something called Madeleines. Oh, my goodness! If you’ve never had one, please do yourself a favor (or don’t – it’ll be addictive) and go get some. Better yet – make these! The only special requirement is the shell-shaped cookie pan they are typically baked in, which can be found online or in specialty cooking stores. 

Madeleines have a cakier texture and refreshing lemon flavor thanks to the fresh grated lemon peel and juice. The texture is slightly thicker, so I wasn’t sure if they would be a good candidate for gluten free flour but wanted to try! And I needed to use up some lemons sitting in the fridge. Win-Win! 

I looked up a few recipes and decided to combine them. The result was pretty darn scrumptious. The texture and flavor were spot on. I was tempted to make another batch the very next day. (Not so good for my weight loss plan.) 

Fair warning: I am a no fuss, minimal dirty dishes kind of cook. So, I didn’t do anything special like taking eggs out early, mixing flour in a separate bowl, chilling batter, etc. All my certified organic ingredients were mixed by hand with a fork in one bowl and then baked right after. The ingredients are also listed in the exact order I added them to my mixing bowl. I’m sure scientifically it’s not correct – but I base my opinion off taste. I did mention these didn’t last til the end of the night between my husband and I, right! The only thing I would change for next time – and there will be a next time, because I have more lemons to use up – is shorten the cook time. 

Here’s my recipe. My daughter got to try half a cookie and she called them “Yummy Delicious!!! Enjoy! 

Gluten Free Madeleine Cookie Recipe

Serving Size: 16-18

Bake temp: 375°

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2 large eggs

2/3 cup white sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

Freshly grated peel from 1 medium size lemon

1 tsp fresh lemon juice

Pinch of salt

3/4 cup gluten free flour

8 Tbsp melted and slightly cooled unsalted butter

Optional: Powdered sugar to sprinkle on baked cookies or melted chocolate chips to dip them in. 


Prep: Grease the shells of the madeleine pan with butter, lightly coat with flour, shake off any excess flour. Note: Some of my cookies stuck to the pan, so you may want to try more flour than pictured below.

1. In a large bowl mix together eggs, sugar, vanilla.

2. Add lemon peel and juice and mix. 

3. Add salt and flour and mix.

4. Add butter and mix.

5. Spoon or pour batter into shells until evenly filled. (Mine were too full. They still cooked fine, but I only got 15 cookies.)

6. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. Cookies should be slightly firm to the press of a finger.

7. Check cookies every minute afterward if not done. (I baked mine for 12/13 minutes and it was a tad too long. They still tasted wonderful but got a little browner than I would have preferred. 

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